Friday, July 19, 2013


Well. Poetry... I've not written much lately. Instead, I've used my creative desires and energies in other directions - photography being the main instigator, the German language being the other.

I have been writing, too, but certainly nothing ready for exposure.

Spending more time reading; last year read 42 books for well over 10,000 pages. So far this year I'm about half-way in both number of books and page count. A click on the lower right of this blog will bring you to my page (what, you don't have a Goodreads account??). Work has been pretty busy as well, and an uptick in house projects grabs my attention too. And I've taken some pretty great trips with my wonderfully pretty wife - need those.

I have found, though, that I would like an outlet for some of my ideas and philosophies and I think this blog should be close enough in intention that I can use it. I'll add some poetry here, to be sure, but I'd like to blather as well. Blather seems like a good word for it - I won't pretend it is prose. There may be some proselytizing...

What goes around, comes around - please do.

Thank you,